Acts 1:8 “…And you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you and you shall be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth”
In this article, we will be talking about the power of God and how to access it based on the book of Acts 1:8 in the bible.
The Power of God can be defined as the ability to make events align with the word of God in our lives and God wants us to have his power here on earth to be able to overcome whatever evil life throws at us.
Why We Need The Power Of God
Philippians 4:13 “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me”.
In today’s world, where crazy things are happening, people falling sick, bad things happening to good people, and where everyone faces hard and difficult life situations, we need the power of God to overcome them.
God is very aware of the fact that we, Christian or not, will be faced with various trials and tribulations. He never promised us a problem-free life. He even said in his word John 16:33, “In this world, we will face various trials and tribulations but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world”
We have an advocate, Jesus Christ who knows exactly how we feel because he has also felt it ( Hebrews 4:15 ) and he has promised us victory on all sides through the power of God
Now I know that a lot of people believe that God is all strong and powerful and there is nothing impossible for God to do ( Luke 1:37 ) but the issue is, people often question if God will use his power to solve their situation. When it comes to personalizing the power of God in their life, it becomes hard for them to believe and we will be tackling that in this article
Below are 3 steps we can take inorder to access the power of God
1. Admit That You Need God’s Help
Matthew 11:28-29 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest, take up my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your soul”
It takes humility to admit that you need help and to actually ask for it.
God tells us in his word that he cares about us and he will love to help us but he can’t do it if we don’t invite him into our situation.
If God who is all-powerful is also an humble God (Matthew 11:29), then why can’t we also remove pride from our hearts and humble ourselves before God, admitting that we can’t do life alone and that we need his help.
It is when we come to the end of ourselves in a situation that we can be able to experience the power of God in that situation.
2. Get Connected To The Source Of The Power
The source of the power here is Jesus Christ.
The bible says in John 15:5 “I am the vine and ye are the branches, If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing”
A standing fan is useless until it is connected to an electric circuit
This is the same thing with us, inorder to work in the power of God, we need to get connected and stay connected to the power source which is God.
This is done by having constant communication/fellowship with God by praying and studying the word of God daily.
The bible says that we should be joyful always, pray without ceasing and be thankful in all situation. If we practise this, we will end up being in constant communication with God everyday which is our power source.
3. Have Faith In God
What is Faith?
According to the bible in Hebrews 11:1, Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
Through out the bible, it was made clear that faith and power are connected together. How?
In the bible, Luke 17:11-19, there were ten lepers that came to Jesus for healing and Jesus instructed them to go and show themselves to the High Priest and while they went, all ten of them got healed.
Note that they did not get healed until they obeyed God’s word (to go and show themselves to the High Priest) and it was as they obeyed the word of God that they got healed.
This is how faith works, if we want the manifestation of the power of God, we have to have faith that God will manifest his power in us. It is while you do this that the power of God will be manifested.
The bible even says that faith without works is dead (James 2:17 )
So in practical terms, if you were told you were barren, admit that you need God’s help to bear children, stay connected to God by studying the bible and praying daily that God gives you children and then show that you have faith that your prayers has been answered by going ahead to do those things you will need to do if you were pregnant. This includes things like buying baby clothes, baby shoes, baby toys, baby stroller, preparing and decorating the baby room etc.
Also read, ” THE GRACE OF GOD “
The power of God is needed inorder to live a victorious life in today’s world because this life is full of trials and tribulations. The 3 steps you can take to access this power includes
1. Admit that you need God’s help
2. Get connected to the source of the power
3. Have faith in God
It is important to state that this power is only available to those who are born again, so if you will like to give your life to Jesus Christ, you can say this prayer with me “ Father, I thank you for sending your son to die for me, I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. I receive everything made available to me as a result of Jesus Christ’s death, burial, resurrection and ascension in Jesus name. Amen”
If you have said this prayer, you are now a born-again child of God and the power of God is available to you, so, go ahead and follow the 3 steps listed above to access it.